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Relax, your Home is in good hands!

Looking for a trustworthy competent company to care for and protect your personal property while you are many miles away? We specialize and excel in providing personalized solutions which address the challenges and demands of absentee home ownership. Island Homecare Group has extremely qualified, trained staff to handle all you needs and create a plan catered toward what your personal interests are for your home aways from home. We go above and beyond the standard and know what it means to have great service thats always there for your best interests. We provide the peace of mind that your home is secure in your absence, but maximized your enjoyment while you're in residence.



Absentee Homeowner Services

Knowing how best to care for your home when you’re miles away for extended periods of time can be challenging.  With our Absentee Home Watch program homeowners will be assured that their property is being carefully monitored in their absence.


Upon enrollment, homeowners are assigned a dedicated and trusted representative to perform and report routine inspections and to address any concerns you may have while you’re away.  We will remove indicators of absence (mail, brochures, etc.) and complete a thorough interior and exterior inspection of your property designed to prevent potential problems from occurring.  These inspections are customized to the homeowner’s needs and can be performed on a weekly or bi-weekly basis



Home Maintenance Services

Real estate assets comprise a significant portion of an investor’s portfolio.  Island Homecare Group provides Annual Home Maintenance Services which help protect your investment.  We provide our clients with a customized Maintenance Action Plan which includes a prescribed list of scheduled maintenance services.  This Maintenance Action Plan prevents potential problems from occurring, maximizes energy efficiency and protects your investment whether you are at home or away. Services include annual inspections of crawl and attic spaces, regular replacement of HVAC filters and smoke detector batteries and routine interior and exterior evaluations for early detection/indicators of rot and termite damage.


Projects on your mind and don't know how to start them? Island Homecare Group can provide you with comprehensive Maintenance Action Plan, executed by experienced Interior Designers and, our team of specialist.  We create a custom  plan of action to meet your needs, Let us knock those home improvement tasks,Pressure Washing, Window Cleaning, Interior & Exterior Painting,and even Remodeling projects etc. off your To-Do List.


Absentee Home Service

HHI Custom Absentee Home Support LLC.



Office Location:

38 New Orleans Dr  Suite C204

Hilton Head Island SC, 29928  

 Office: 843-681-9130

  Fax: 843-681-9135


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